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Why You Should Switch To Smart Parking Solutions!

Smart Parking is a parking solution that can include in-ground smart parking sensors, cameras or counting sensors. These devices are installed in the parking areas to detect whether parking slots are free or occupied. All this data collection and processing is done real-time through a mobile application or through websites which communicates the data in the readable form to the users.

In a nut shell, Smart parking is a parking strategy that combines technology and human innovation in an effort to reduce the usage of Fuel, time, space and human effort and make the parking process faster, easier and seamless. It simply uses the technology to find out which parking spaces are occupied and which are vacant and by using this data, creating a real time map leading towards vacant parking spot. Smart parking helps drivers to find car parking space easily and quickly. The adoption of Smart Parking solutions has now become the need of densely populated cities. Various research and reports have revealed that by 2035 the number of vehicles on the road will increase up to 2 billion which will make the city roads more congested.

Benefits of Smart Parking Technology
  • Optimized Parking
  • Reduced Traffic and Pollution
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Integrated payments and POS
  • Better Security and Safety
  • Real-time easy readable parking slot data
  • Decreased parking management costs and increased brand image

How Smart Parking Works?

Smart Parking systems obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area and process this information real-time to know about the nearest parking slot available. It involves using sensors, real-time data collection, and mobile-phone-enabled automated payment systems which enables people to reserve parking in advance or very accurately predict where they will likely find a spot. Smart parking reduces fuel emissions in urban centers by reducing the need for people to needlessly drive through the same spot in search of parking. It also permits cities to carefully manage their parking supply. Smart parking helps one of the biggest problems on driving in urban areas; finding empty parking spaces and controlling illegal parking.